Saturday, April 19, 2008

Addition to previous posting...

I left my friend's house tonight, to walk home with Huck and Zeke. It was 70 degrees. Zeke was dressed in a velvet one piece outfit. My friend's ayi put two blankets over him and was shocked that I didn't have a hat for him. She went into my bag, pulled out the nursing shawl and put it around his head.

However, I am not so bad. Last month, when Zeke turned 3 months, our ayi said we should start giving him some food. I said, "no, not yet." She said, "just applesauce and bananas, is good." So I told her that in America, doctors advise us to wait until about 6 months because waiting reduces the risk of allergies and diabetes. She thought this over and then told me she started her son on food at 3 months and now he is allergic to eggs and peaches and that maybe if she'd waited, he wouldn't have the allergies.

So, maybe she doesn't think I'm a complete knucklehead of a mother...


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