How my life has changed...

Then there are the less obvious ways that hit me as they occur in my daily life. For instance... Today my friend came by to see if I wanted to go to the nearby grocery store. I said I would go because I always enjoy her company and the grocery store is near the framing store that I wanted to go to to get some pictures of the boys framed. She said she was riding her bike so I said I'd go change out of my skirt so I could ride. She reminded me that it was unnecessary. Everyone here rides their bikes everywhere in all manners of dress. So, off we went...
Our first stop was the framing store. I had three 8x10 photos framed in black frames with white mats. Total cost: $43.
Next we went to the grocery store where we each bought the few things we needed to make dinner for our families, only to learn later that our husbands would be working late (together).
On the way out of the store I looked into the flower shop within the grocery store. It's a separate entity, but is located near the entrance of the grocery store. The flowers were beautiful and I decided it would be nice to have fresh flowers. I was drawn to a lovely bouquet that seemed a little large for my needs so I asked the flourist if she could make another one like it but smaller. She said no problem, but wouldn't I just like that one because it's so beautiful. So I asked how much it was. I walked out with the flowers I'd spotted. Total cost: $6.25. The flowers are pictured above.
Xing Ayi was cleaning this morning when I was leaving for Jack and Jed's school for a visit. I told her what I was going to do and that I'd be back around 12. She was picking up Huck from school so I could go to the older boys' school. After I went through my explanation, she said, don't worry, go play, go have coffee, go see friends, it's no problem. She said this while standing in my bathroom, wearing the rubber gloves I bought her to wear while she cleans.
It's such a strange experience...
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