
Our compound celebrated Halloween on Saturday night. It was a big event with a haunted house for the little ones and older kids. I hear it was scary. There are 427 houses in the compound, so the potential for a large haul was there. Participating houses posted a picture of a ghost on their doors to show everyone it was ok to trick or treat at their homes. I'd say about 1/3 of the houses participated.
We invited our friends from another embassy since they live in the embassy and don't have the opportunity to trick or treat there. Their little boy had a great time with Jack and Jed. It was great. We set out and the kids ran from house to house trick or treating while Tom and our guest's dad answered the door again and again and again. People come from all over Beijing to trick or treat here. The boys gave up after about an hour and filled their buckets about halfway and were quite happy. I took pictures while Xing Ayi escorted Huck. Xing Ayi's son, who is eleven years old, came with us. Everyone had a great time. Some of the candy is questionable. We even got some that have pictures of shrimp on the wrapper. I doubt anyone will be brave enough to try it. We turned out the lights at about 8:00. It was exhausting but fun.
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