Friday, June 20, 2008

Jetlag is a B****, I mean it's a pain in the a**

OK, I don't know how to describe it, but it's not fun. The first few nights and days were all a mess of naps and periods of sleeplessness but yesterday I thought we'd crossed over the line to a normal schedule. The boys went to bed at about 7:30 to read, lights out at 8:00. Zeke was settled in bed by 7:30 as well.

By 8:30, Zeke was awake again. At 9:00 Jack came upstairs, looked around and said, "oh, I thought it was morning," then went back downstairs saying he can't sleep. At 10:00, Huck came upstairs asking for breakfast and no amount of explaining could convince him he needed to go back to sleep. Jack and Huck got benedryl. Jack went back to sleep, but Huck kept saying he wanted breakfast so at 11:00 I gave him a bowl of cereal, which he quickly gobbled up, then a second, which he also ate. He came to bed with me at about 11:45. Zeke slept in bed with me as well.

Huck and Zeke were both sleeping at 8:00, but I woke them, Jack woke up at 8:30, Jed was the only one who slept through the night from about 8:00 to 6:00. He is recovering from strep throat and an ear infection.

Did I mention I am exhausted???
Maybe tonight will be better?


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